
In this study, we have developed a thermodynamically consistent chemo-mechanical phase-field model. Wherein the experimental parameters and ThermoCalc’s database have both been utilized to calibrate the system’s free energy of the $\ce{FeO}$ material. Moreover, both the chemical process and elasto-plastic deformation contribution have been taken into consideration. Later, this model has been successfully applied to examine the chemo-mechanical interaction in the hydrogen-based direct reduction of iron oxide (HyDRI) process. According to the results of the simulation, the phase transformation from $\ce{FeO}$ to $\ce{Fe}$ can cause significant volume shrinkage. This significant volume change can lead to high stresses, which in turn can affect the phase transformation and regulate the reduction degree profile.

The following figure shows the oxygen distribution, the related phase distribution, as well as stresses for the $\ce{FeO}$ sample in HyDRI process.

For more details, one is referred to My-Acta-2022.

In this work, a thermodynamically consistent framework has been developed to explore the multi-physics coupling between mechanics and species diffusion. Constitutive laws for the bulk and the across-GB interaction laws have been derived for large deformations from the system free energies. A chemo-mechanically coupled cohesive zone model is developed which takes into account mode-dependent fracture properties in the presence of GBs.

The $\ce{V2O5}$ nanowire demonstrates the impact of chemo-mechanical GB interaction on the final crack pattern.

For more details, one is referred to My-IJSS-2021.

A new paper is accepted by ‘Materials Horizontal’, where I used the chemo-mechanically coupled phase-field model to study the phase-separation patterns in the $\ce{V2O5}$ nanowire.

For more details, one is referred to the paper.

Half-cell model of a lithium-ion battery $\ce{LiNi_{x}Mn_{y}Co_{z}O}$(NMC) particle with cracks

The topic of my thesis is chemo-mechanical modeling of lithium-ion batteries, where the diffusion of lithium as well as the intercalation-induced stress are evolved to study the chemo-mechanical interplay in polycrystalline energy materials.

I developed a thermodynamically consistent framework for both the grains and grain boundaries. Therefore, one can easily get the constitutive laws for the mechanical response as well as the across-GB transport law for both the ion transport and the mechanical failure based on the free energy he inputs.